Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Like us on Facebook!

Hello everyone,

We want to begin reaching out to more and more potential/current customers such as yourselves. In order to do so we have create a Facebook page for The Sweet Spot. On our Facebook page we will be sharing personal thoughts and having a variety of online competitions just like we currently have here.

I cannot thank you enough for all of the feedback I get on The Sweet Spots blog and it really benefits The Sweet Spot in ways that I can't even put into words. Please continue thrusting us forward and check out and like our Facebook page. Just click the link below.

Like us on Facebook!

Also, and as always, please feel free to share, comment, and post on our Facebook. We are here to serve you and what you say and think is all that really matters to us.

Lastly, if you come into The Sweet Spot in the next two weeks and introduce yourself (if I don't already know who you are) and tell me you have liked us on Facebook you will receive 10% off your purchase that day.

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