Monday, April 18, 2016

Come inside The Sweet Spot

Hello all,

I have begun to realize that we do a lot of phone orders that are then delivered. Some customer names that come through on to-go orders very frequently, I have never gotten the pleasure of meeting.  I am beginning to wonder if these individuals have ever had the pleasure of actually coming in and checking out The Sweet Spot.

I plan to fix this; I want everyone to be able to take a look inside of the store and get a feel for the layout and the feng shui that our customers are able to experience every time they stop in. I personally take pleasure in the staff members that work for The Sweet Spot and how much they truly impact the customers that do come in day after day. Their educational background in baking is exhibited daily and passed onto the customers.  

Below you will find a video that gives you a brief look around the bakery. While you are viewing some of the day to day things that go on at The Sweet Spot please enjoy one of our bakers Emily DeGeorge while she is explaining why she personally loves working at the Sweet Spot and how much she brings to the table.

Click here to watch!

I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did :)

Stop by and tell me you watched the video and introduce yourself and you will receive 25% off your purchase.


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