Monday, April 11, 2016

How to make cookies

Good evening everyone,

As you already know the first Kids Can Bake event was a huge success, but unfortunately two of our favorite little humans weren't able to attend this event due to having strep throat.

This did not stop these two young ladies, and in fact it sparked a flame of passion into their little hearts and made them go above and beyond and make their very own Kids Can Bake event at home. I am lucky enough to have a share all video that their mother was kind enough to create and share with me. Which I am going to share with all of you.

Click Here to watch

I hope you all enjoyed the video as much as my staff and I did. This video reminds me of my childhood and how connected an activity such as baking can bring family and friends. Thank you Avalee and Malaya for sharing your bonding experience with us and I encourage anyone else who has been video taping their baking experiences to please share and connect with us.

We love to learn and watch our customers do exactly what we love to do, and that is bake.

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