Monday, March 7, 2016

Coupon Offer

Hello all,

It’s that time of year again. The snow is melting and the sun is beginning to shine J

If you are anything like me, spring fever is in full force and along with spring comes the undesirable urge to be outside. Everyone has been cooped up all winter, and is beginning to plan their cookouts, graduation parties, birthday parties, baby showers, you name it. It is time to be outside with the people you love, and the sun that we have all missed so dearly.

While planning these events please don’t stress yourself out about the dessert. The Sweet Spot is here to help and with the coupon above you will receive a buy one get one when you make a purchase of one dozen of our famous cookies or cupcakes. Call in advance and we will use the colors and sprinkles that will match your party theme whether it be your child’s class colors or your four year old's princess dress.

So take a load off and make your party planning that much easier and let us worry about the desert.

This is not a real company. This blog has been created for educational purposes only.  

The Sweet Spot

Hello all, and allow me to welcome you to my blog!

My name is Alexandra Lothe and I am the owner of The Sweet Spot. My mother, the founder, has recently decided that she would like to retire and travel the world. With this decision she will be leaving The Sweet Spot in my loving care. Growing up watching my mother build her business from the bottom up has been more than treat to me, and now I will be able to share with all of you exactly what this wonderful woman has taught me.

I have decided to start this blog so I can have direct interaction with who really matters… you! And I want it to be a place where you can openly comment, critique, and learn new things about The Sweet Spot.  Please don’t hesitate to speak your mind and let me know some of your likes and dislikes because I will personally be taking all of the information I gain into consideration while moving forward.

By visiting my blog you can expect an inside look at what is new and happening at the store. I will inform you about any deals or specials we have going on and will be posting podcasts and videos for you to enjoy and maybe learn some tricks of your own.

I hope that you enjoy reading and staying tuned with my Blog as much as I enjoy learning about what you guys think and feel about The Sweet Spot. If you would like to contact me via email please don’t hesitate to reach out, my email address is

This is not a real company. This blog has been created for educational purposes only.